
A Century of Healthcare Transformation

医学校友会百年庆 设100万元助学金供国大生申请

By 早报许翔宇

发布 /2023年12月24日 

医学校友会配合创会100周年出版纪念特刊《医疗领域百年变迁》(A Century of Healthcare Transformation)。特刊主编吴安全(右)和副编吴祖云在新加坡中央医院学院路的医学校友会会所前,展示新出版的特刊。(特约摄影陈福洲)

配合创立100周年,本地历史最悠久的大专学府校友组织——医学校友会(Medical Alumni Association),筹集100万元设立助学金,资助新加坡国立大学有需要的医科、牙科、药剂以及护理科系本科生。



医学校友会的成员早年来自爱德华七世医学院(King Edward VII College of Medicine)、马来亚大学和新加坡大学医疗科系,后期也包括国大医科、牙科、药剂科和护理科系毕业生。


校友会估计,从1905年至今,本地医学院培养的毕业生约有2万人。这个校友组织目前有超过1000名成员,在医疗社群中被直呼为“校友会”(Alumni Association),在新马皆有会所。


校友会向来致力支持本地医疗教育和毕业生。在上个月举办的百年会庆晚宴上,校友会宣布捐赠100万元给国大设立“校友会百年庆助学基金”,并发布《医疗领域百年变迁》(A Century of Healthcare Transformation)纪念特刊。这本400多页特刊追溯一个世纪以来本地医疗教育的发展,以及校友会早期如何发挥影响力改善政策。



医学校友会在百年庆特刊中刊登不少珍贵的历史照片,包括这张由校友会收藏,摄于1912年至1913年之间的旧照片。照片显示当年的马来亚联合邦布政司布罗克曼(E L Brockman,前排右二)、新加坡辅政司威尔金森(R J Wilkinson,前排右三),与本地富商陈笃生孙子、马来亚橡胶种植业先驱陈齐贤(前排左二)合照。陈齐贤以父亲之名捐建医学楼陈德源大厦。与他们同框的包括第一所医科学校首几届毕业生,如第一届毕业、早年领导社会对抗抽鸦片陋习的陈树楠医生(后排右二)。后排右一是陈树楠的学弟安藤公三(Kozo Ando),他在日治时期是掌管本地民用医疗服务的一名医疗官。(医学校友会提供)


日治期间管理医院和公卫实力获证明 本地医生战后争取同酬




马来亚大学成立 医学校友会是推手


发布 / 2023年12月24日 7:31 PM

爱德华七世医学院与前莱佛士学院(Raffles College)在1949年合并,成立马来亚大学。(档案照片)


吴安全指出,校友会首届会长陈树楠医生,以及被称为“新加坡病理学之父”的尚穆加那特纳姆(Kanagaratnam Shanmugaratnam)医生(总统尚达曼的父亲)等杰出校友,是倡议殖民地政府成立新马第一所大学的其中重要推手。爱德华七世医学院与前莱佛士学院(Raffles College)在1949年合并,成立马来亚大学。

此外,校友会早年也定期举办临床和病理学会议和出版期刊,推动医疗工作者不断学习和提升专业水平。直到新加坡医药协会(Singapore Medical Association)在1959年成立,肩负起与政府接洽及各项专业功能后,校友会才成为一个主要联系校友与医疗社群的组织。













1928年:莱佛士学院(Raffles College)成立,提供人文以及科学教育。







Medical Alumni Association Centennial Celebration: Establishes $1 Million Bursary Fund for NUS Students

By Zaobao Koh HsiangYu

Published / December 24, 2023

The Medical Alumni Association has published a commemorative special issue titled "A Century of Healthcare Transformation" to mark its 100th anniversary. Chief editor Raymond Goh (right) and deputy editor Jeffrey Goh display the newly published special issue in front of the Medical Alumni Association clubhouse on College Road at Singapore General Hospital.

(Special photographer Chen Fuzhou)

In celebration of its 100th anniversary, the Medical Alumni Association, Singapore's oldest tertiary education alumni organization, has raised $1 million to establish a bursary fund. This fund will support undergraduate students in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing at the National University of Singapore (NUS) who are in need of financial assistance.

Singapore's first medical school was established in 1905, and its graduates founded the Alumni Association in 1923.

With the development of local medical education and evolving societal needs, this school underwent several name changes and later merged with other institutions, gradually evolving into today's National University of Singapore.

The Medical Alumni Association's members initially came from the King Edward VII College of Medicine, the University of Malaya, and the medical departments of the University of Singapore. Later, it also included graduates from NUS's medical, dental, pharmacy, and nursing departments.

In recent years, the association has also accepted graduates from the Duke-NUS Medical School and the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine at Nanyang Technological University. Medical professionals who graduated from overseas institutions and work locally have also been allowed to join in recent years.

The association estimates that local medical schools have trained about 20,000 graduates since 1905. This alumni organization currently has over 1,000 members and is simply referred to as the "Alumni Association" in the medical community. It has clubhouses in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Publication of "A Century of Healthcare Transformation" Commemorative Special Issue

The Alumni Association has always been committed to supporting local medical education and graduates. At the centennial celebration dinner held last month, the association announced a donation of $1 million to NUS to establish the "Alumni Association Centennial Celebration Bursary Fund" and released a commemorative special issue titled "A Century of Healthcare Transformation." This 400-plus page special issue traces the development of local medical education over a century and how the Alumni Association exerted influence to improve policies in its early years.

Local tomb hunter Raymond Goh (59 years old) is the chief editor of the centennial celebration special issue. He points out that the medical school has produced many talented alumni, including Singapore's second President Benjamin Sheares, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and local medical authorities such as Professor Arthur Lim Siew Ming, founding director of the Singapore National Eye Centre, and Professor Chao Tzee Cheng, a forensic and pathology expert.

Raymond Goh emphasizes that the Medical Alumni Association has made significant contributions in the past to advancing the career development of local medical professionals and representing them in the fight for fair treatment.

The Medical Alumni Association has published many precious historical photos in the centennial celebration special issue, including this old photo from their collection taken between 1912 and 1913. The photo shows the Chief Secretary of the Federated Malay States, E.L. Brockman (second from right, front row), the Colonial Secretary of Singapore, R.J. Wilkinson (third from right, front row), and the grandson of local tycoon Tan Tock Seng, Tan Chay Yan (second from left, front row), a pioneer of the Malayan rubber planting industry. Tan Chay Yan donated to build the medical building Tan Teck Guan Building in his father's name. Also in the photo are some of the first graduates of the first medical school, such as Dr. Chen Shu Nan (second from right, back row), who led the society in combating the opium smoking habit in the early years. On the far right of the back row is Kozo Ando, Chen Shu Nan's junior, who was a medical officer in charge of local civilian medical services during the Japanese occupation. (Photo provided by the Medical Alumni Association)

It turns out that although local medical graduates were listed in the British Medical Council's register of practicing doctors in 1916, their professional level was still considered "second-class" by the colonial government. Their salaries, positions, and promotion opportunities were not as good as those of doctors trained in Britain or Europe.

Local Doctors Prove Their Capability in Managing Hospitals and Public Health During Japanese Occupation, Fight for Equal Pay After War

During the Japanese occupation, British and European doctors were captured by the Japanese army, but this also allowed local doctors to take on leadership roles in hospital management and public health, proving their capabilities.

Raymond Goh says that after World War II, the Alumni Association fought for equal treatment of locally trained doctors with foreign doctors. In 1947, the colonial government's medical service abolished the distinction between foreign and locally trained doctors, becoming a pioneer that other public services emulated at the time.

Those interested in donating to the Medical Alumni Association Centennial Celebration Bursary Fund can visit

Medical Alumni Association Plays a Key Role in Establishing the University of Malaya

by Koh Hsiang Yu

Published / December 24, 2023 7:31 PM

The King Edward VII College of Medicine and the former Raffles College merged in 1949 to form the University of Malaya. 

The Medical Alumni Association played an important role in promoting the establishment of the University of Malaya.

Raymond Goh points out that the association's first president, Dr. Chen Shu Nan, and distinguished alumni such as Dr. Kanagaratnam Shanmugaratnam (father of President Tharman), known as the "Father of Pathology in Singapore," were among the important advocates urging the colonial government to establish the first university in Singapore and Malaya. The King Edward VII College of Medicine and the former Raffles College merged in 1949 to form the University of Malaya.

In addition, the Alumni Association also regularly held clinical and pathological conferences and published journals in its early years, promoting continuous learning and professional development among medical workers. It was not until the Singapore Medical Association was established in 1959, taking on the responsibilities of liaising with the government and various professional functions, that the Alumni Association became primarily an organization connecting alumni with the medical community.

Raymond Goh (not in the picture) who is also a member of the Medical Alumni Association, has enriched the history of Singapore's first medical school through artifact excavation in recent years. In 2014, he and his brother Charles Goh (front) discovered a wall of the women's mental hospital with over a hundred years of history within the grounds of the Singapore General Hospital, which was also the original site of the first medical school. (Archive photo)

Original Site of Singapore's First Medical School Located Within Singapore General Hospital Grounds

The following year, Raymond Goh also found the tombstone of Chinese community leader Tan Jiak Kim (1859-1917) in the Chua Chu Kang Cemetery. Tan Jiak Kim was a pioneer in leading the fundraising for the first medical school.

When the Alumni Association asked him to compile the centennial celebration special issue, Raymond Goh readily agreed.

He points out that early medical graduates were grateful for the opportunity to be trained as doctors. They invested a lot of time and energy in improving society and elevating the medical standards of our country. The Alumni Association hopes to pay tribute to these medical pioneers through this book.

The First Medical School as the "Ancestor" of NUS

The inheritance relationship between the National University of Singapore and the first local medical school established in 1905:

1905: The Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School is established.

1913: The school is renamed the King Edward VII Medical School, becoming the first higher education institution in Singapore.

1921: The school is upgraded to the King Edward VII College of Medicine.

1928: Raffles College is established, providing education in humanities and sciences.

1949: Raffles College and the King Edward VII College of Medicine merge to form the University of Malaya, the first university in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya.

1955: Nanyang University is established

1962: The Singapore division of the University of Malaya becomes an autonomous institution and is renamed the University of Singapore.

1980: The University of Singapore and Nanyang University merge to form NUS.

A Century of Healthcare Transformation

ISBN : 978-981-18-8600-3 (9789811886003)

Published by the Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College of Medicine and the Faculties of Medicines, Universities of Malaya and Singapore and the National University of Singapore

Copyright @Alumni Association 2023

The Alumni Association
2 College Road
Singapore 169850

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助保留近1500件陪葬品墓碑瓷砖 碧山亭拟展出武吉布朗墓葬文物

Zaobao Jan 9, 2023


助保留近1500件陪葬品墓碑瓷砖 碧山亭拟展出武吉布朗墓葬文物







碧山亭打破籍贯藩篱 收录主要为福建先民文物















Kampong Silat


星洲日报 (Sin Chew Jit Poh), 7 October 1980, Page 


联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), 8 December 1984, Page 12

第30页 广告 专栏 1

联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), 27 March 1987, Page 30






本宫落成大典订于三月初五(2.4.87)晚上八时正举行。特敦请 吴博韬先生主持仪式,并举行谯会庆祝。





南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 16 November 1981, Page 22


星洲日报 (Sin Chew Jit Poh), 22 October 1982, Page 25


第6页 广告 专栏 2

新明日报 (Xin Ming Ri Bao), 6 November 1985, Page 6



出生小康家庭 非卖菜小贩 新书记载真正陈笃生家族

 联合早报 Lianhe Zaobao  Jun 12, 2022

文 / 许翔宇发布 

出生小康家庭 非卖菜小贩 新书记载真正陈笃生家族









































《家风传承:陈笃生家族史》收录了曾任泰国驻美大使的逸他亚(Vitthya Vejjajiva)、日本东京外国语大学宫田敏之教授,以及林孝胜等学者所撰写的文章,阐述陈家与暹罗王室的特殊关系,以及陈金钟如何将家族事业发扬光大,并且靠米业发达。

家族成员3300人 足迹遍布世界各地






陈笃生后代未忘祖籍地 发迹后回乡捐钱建庙修路






32-year-old Singaporean with ALS dies 8 years after diagnosis; parents converted bedroom into ICU to care for her


APRIL 03, 2022



32-year-old Singaporean with ALS dies 8 years after diagnosis; parents converted bedroom into 'ICU' to care for her

At the age of 24, Carolyn Chan felt unwell, developed muscle weakness and had difficulty swallowing and talking. She lost 15kg within a year, and was later diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as ALS.

Carolyn Chan

Carolyn Chan loved animals when she was alive 

Within a year of her diagnosis, she was paralysed. But with dedicated round-the-clock care by her parents, who even converted their room at home into a makeshift 'intensive care unit' (ICU), they got to spend another eight years with their daughter.

According to, the average life expectancy of a person suffering from the disease ranges from two to five years. Chan was 32 years old when she died peacefully at home on March 16 this year.

Speaking to Shin Min Daily News, Chan's mother Ginette Kwek, a housewife, described the family's devastation when they first learned about their daughter's diagnosis.

Chan was working as a social worker in Canada at the time after graduating from high school and university there. 

After the diagnosis, Kwek flew to Canada for three months to be with her daughter. They consulted more doctors back in Singapore when they returned but still faced with the sobering reality of the incurable condition.

Despite the devastating prognosis, Kwek said Chan remained optimistic and co-operated on treatment plans. "She never once complained," said Kwek.

While Chan could still take care of herself initially, she gradually lost the ability to breathe and eat on her own and became bedridden.

Not wanting their daughter to spend the rest of her life in a hospital, Kwek and her husband decided to care for her at home.

The couple converted their bedroom into a makeshift ICU and bought equipment such as a ventilator, oxygen concentrator and a hospital bed, so that they could be beside her as she slept.

The couple live with their two other daughters at home and also rely on a live-in helper to help care for Chan, as she required attention every 15 minutes.

As Chan's mental capacities remained intact, the family would bring her out for a movie or to enjoy the outdoors whenever her physical condition allowed.

An outdoor trip 

Before every trip out however, they would have to make sure to bring the necessary medical equipment. Chan would also have to be lifted out of her bed by a hoist while being assisted by three others.

Moving Carolyn from her bed to the wheelchair 

Chan's condition gradually deteriorated over the years and she died peacefully at home last month.

Kwek described how even though Chan could not speak or raise her hand, she could still communicate through electronic devices. Through this method, she was able to wish them goodnight and say "I love you".

But in the later stages when her eye muscles degenerated and there were times she could not even open her eyelids, Chan had to rely on moving her eyeballs left and right to signal her intention. This continued for several years.

"Seeing our daughter suffer was painful, but we had to be strong and not give up hope," Kwek shared, adding that Chan was "not able to talk or express her pain".

"We would only realise she was uncomfortable when she teared up. It upset us to see that, but if we were to show our sadness she would be upset too, so we had to remain strong and take care of her to the best of our ability."

Kwek hopes to raise people's awareness of the debilitating condition by sharing her daughter's story, and that it would inspire others not to lose hope.

She shared that if expectations are well-managed and adequate assistance is provided, prolonging the lives of ALS patients is possible.

"The disease has no effect on patients' cognitive and sensory abilities, so they may experience persistent discomfort from the pain and itch. They can also feel a sense of guilt towards their caregivers or for the financial liabilities their condition brings and be depressed or distressed," said Kwek.

"My daughter was always optimistic despite her condition. We were all by her side when she passed and she went peacefully. I believe she is in another wonderful place now," Kwek told the Chinese evening daily.



Carolyn Chan great great grandfather were Neo Pee Wan and Khoo Teng Hin, Goh Choon Tye, all of whom are buried in Bukit Brown


Together in life, together in death - the tomb of Mr and Mrs Tay Geok Teat

In Bukit Brown,  there lies a family cluster of tombs transferred from Alexandra Road.
If one is to take a closer look at the tomb,  there is no distinguishing feature of the husband and wife behind one of the tombs.

Few would realize that underneath the tomb lies one of the foremost merchant before the turn of the 19th century, importers of European goods of every description...

here is the story of one of the many tombs in Bukit Brown, waiting to be discovered:

From Song Ong Siang "One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore"

Tay Geok Teat was born in Malacca in 1832, being the son of  Tay Song Quee, a native of Cheangchew, China, who emigrated to the Straits and settle down as a trader in Malacca in the early part of last century. Mr Geok Teat came to Singapore when he was quite a boy. He was for a brief period a member of the Municipal Commission.  In 1871 he took his  son Tay Kim Tee into his business, and on his death on the 21 Apr 1893 Mr Kim Tee continued to run the firm of Geok  Teat and Co with much success until 1906 ......

The Late Mr Geok Teat  was a well known and widely respected resident in Singapore, having been connected with the place during the greater portion of his career.
Born in Malacca about sixty years ago, in 1868, he commenced business as a shopkeeper on his own account.  And he gradually rose by his own exertions until he had attained his present position.  Being of a retiring disposition he shunned publicity, and at no time took a very active part in public business. 
He was a member of the Municipal Commission for some time, resigning only on account of the death of his wife which he appears to have felt deeply as he is said never to
have been the same man since. 

He left behind him an only son and partner in his business, Mr Tay Kim Tee. The godown in
Battery Road was closed during the day

--Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser 21, Apr 1893, pg 2 - The Late Mr Geok Teat

A plan of Geok Teat & Co in Raffles Place

Pic from PICAS.  I believe the godown of Geok Teat & Co is among the row of buildings here

Tay Geok Teat owned properties 78, 79, 80 Amoy Street, 41 Havelock Road, 2 Pearl Hill Road, 15 Pasir Panjang Rd etc

He was also a contractor for Pulau Ubin granite

In 1863, Chia Ann Siang was his partner in his firm Geok Teat & Co
His firm as advertised in those day "Importers of every description of
European goods"

In 1883, Lee Cheng Yan toured Europe with Tay Geok Teat,
paying special attention to the manufacturing towns in England. The local press billed the two businessmen as the first Straits-born Chinese to visit Britain for commercial purposes.

According to Brenda Yeoh, in 1892, Tay Geok Teat, applied for permission from the Municipal Board to make 2 graves, one for his recently deceased wife, and one for himself, on a piece of land in Telok Blangah where nine family graves were already sited (MPMCOM, 26 Oct 1892)

His wife Madam Khoo has died in Oct 1892.  He died six months later on 21st Apr 1983 at the age of 60

He was laid to rest on his family burial ground on 10 Jun 1893. 

A Chinese band

"The performers attended by permission of Mr Tay Kim Tee, and were his children who with some others composed " the family drum and fife band" of the late Mr Tay Geok Teat. The eldest performer (clarionet player) is 14 years of age, and the youngest is 7 years of age.  To the eldest, falls the duty of transcribing the piano music to the band scores.
The members of the band were taught and trained by Mr Tay Geok Teat, and certainly their performances yesterday did great credit to that deceased gentleman's tuition.  The performers kept very good time, and the way the drummer handled his instrument would have gladdened the hearts of some admirers of that instrument in the Philharmonic Society...

extracted from ST, 8 Feb 1894, pg 3 A Chinese Band


Origin of historical boundary marker found near Adam Drive puzzles researchers

Origin of historical boundary marker found near Adam Drive puzzles researchers

Heritage enthusiasts (from left) Soh Ah Beng, Raymond Goh and Peter Pak pose with the Gim Bee marker in Adam Drive. 

SINGAPORE - A historical boundary marker found near Adam Drive could shed light on the area's history prior to World War II, when it was part of the British Sime Road Camp.

It was discovered last August by Mr Raymond Goh, 58, a pharmacist, along with Mr Peter Pak, 49, an IT project manager, and Mr Soh Ah Beng, 58, a cemetery caretaker.

The marker resembles two that were extracted by the National Heritage Board (NHB) from Dover Forest last October.

Mr Goh, along with his brother Charles, 54, a safety officer, are well known in the heritage community as tomb hunters.

Mr Raymond Goh told The Straits Times he had stumbled upon the marker last year while exploring the area with his friends.

The rectangular marker is about 17cm wide and about 11cm thick. Its exposed surfaces are about 42cm high. On two sides, the marker bears the Chinese characters "Jin Mei Jie", indicating that it was used to demarcate the boundary of land relating to an entity named "Jin Mei", or "Gim Bee" in Hokkien.

However, identifying the marker's original owner has thus far proven to be a challenge for the Goh brothers, who purchased historical documents from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) to dig deeper into the history of the land surrounding the marker.

To deduce the marker's original owner, the brothers have attempted to eliminate possibilities.

Based on their research, the marker lies between two plots of land, of which one, spanning about 14ha, was bought by Chinese merchant Lim Leack from the East India Company in 1858.

The Goh brothers had known about Lim's ownership of the land around Adam Drive and Sime Road prior to stumbling upon the marker. They had researched the area after they were approached by Mr Lim Soon Hoe - a sixth-generation descendant of the merchant - to identify a land plot mentioned in a legal document dated 1935.

Mr Lim, 62, retrieved this document in 2012 from the National Archives of Singapore while researching his family's history.

The other plot was bought by three persons from the Ong clan in 1872 from Wee Hee, a Chinese businessman.

A decade later in 1882, the British government introduced the Landmarks Ordinance, requiring landowners to install boundary markers to demarcate the extent of their land.

Mr Raymond Goh said the Ong clan's land, which was eventually used as a cemetery, was known as Seh Ong cemetery or Tai Yuan Shan to the Chinese.

Graves belonging to ancestors of the Ong clan still lie on this site, including on land in Adam Drive near the Gim Bee marker.

The boundary marker was discovered in August 2021 by Mr Raymond Goh, Mr Peter Pak and Mr Soh Ah Beng. ST PHOTO: ARIFFIN JAMAR

Mr Goh said it is unlikely that the Gim Bee marker could have belonged to the Ong clan, given that the term "Gim Bee" does not in any way resemble the Seh Ong cemetery's name.

Map research consultant Mok Ly Yng, 54, who was commissioned by NHB to research the history of the two Dover Forest markers, said another boundary marker bearing the "Tai Yuan" name was found previously, indicating that would have been the name engraved on Tai Yuan Shan's boundary markers, and not "Gim Bee".

Mr Mok, who purchased documents from SLA to look into the Adam Drive area's history, said it is likely that the Gim Bee marker was erected by someone who was in charge of Lim Leack's land after his death in 1875, which came before installing boundary markers was made compulsory by law.

The Goh brothers' research shows that Lim Leack's land was under the charge of several sets of trustees before it was sold to a rubber company in the mid-1930s by its trustees then - Lim Hong Siang, a great-grandson of Lim Leack, and two others.

Lim Hong Siang had been a trustee of the land from as early as 1906, while the other two were appointed trustees only from 1934.

Although boundary markers were made compulsory in the 1880s, Mr Mok said it was only from 1909 that the practice of erecting them was taken seriously, after a proper survey of Singapore's land was undertaken by the colonial government between 1902 and 1909.

Thus, he suspects that the marker could be associated with Lim Hong Siang, given the timing of his trusteeship, although research has so far not found evidence to prove this.

Mr Mok added that it is highly unlikely the Gim Bee marker is a sham, as its present geographical coordinates, recorded by the Goh brothers, correspond with land boundaries recorded in official survey maps from as early as 1935.

Shortly before the land was sold in the 1930s, the remains of Lim Leack's wife Yeo Im Neo and his eldest son Lim Teck Ghee - who were buried within Lim Leack's original land lot - were re-interred in Bukit Brown Cemetery in 1935.

Lim Leack's former land plot is today owned by the state and houses a cluster of bungalows. The area, including the forested parts where the Gim Bee marker stands, is zoned for residential use, subject to detailed planning.

The Goh brothers, who have stumbled upon about a dozen boundary markers over the past two decades, hope NHB will lend its research expertise to uncover the marker's ownership, but not remove it like it did with the Dover Forest markers.

Mr Raymond Goh said keeping the marker on-site is more meaningful than removing it from its context, especially as it is likely to still mark the limits of a present-day land lot based on its geographical coordinates.



The 36 acre land was repurchased by Tan Hoon Chiang in 1906 and given in trust to the great grandsons of Lim Leack (Lim Liak). Tan Hoon Chiang was a business partner of the deceased Lim Liak (of which Lim Liak street was named after). The said land was to be used as a burial ground for the male descendants in the male line of the said Lim leack, until 21 years after the last known trustees have passed, upon which the trustees can sell and dispose of the said piece of land and to divide the net proceeds thereof among the grandsons and more remote male issue .

Given that Lim Leack and descandants came from Gim Lee, it is possible that the Gim Bee is a beautification of the Lee, an not uncommon practice in the past to beautify village names. That is 錦美界 Gim Bee Boundary demarcate the start of the burial land for Lim Liak family members, who hailed from the village of 錦里 Gim Lee 




联合早报 2022年1月10日 5

文 / 黄少伟
摄影 / 蔡家增









1914年,吴来熙离开英国到中国北京居住,创办了北京第一份英文报纸《北京日报》(Peking Daily News)并任主编。吴来熙也先后担任北洋军奉系军阀领袖张作霖张学良父子的高级参谋和顾问。1927年,吴来熙被委任为民国外交部顾问及南洋华侨宣抚特使访问新加坡,是他阔别28年后再度回到家乡,受到亲友和华社热烈欢迎,本地中英文报章都有报道。












Cheah Tat Jin and Lim Kwee Guan

 Cheah Tat Jin and Lim Kwee Guan

Born 1886 

Portraits from Twentieth Century Impressions of British Malaya (published in 1908)


Straits Echo, 12 March 1906, Page 4

Death of Lim Kwee Guan of pneumonia during the influenza pandemic of 1918


Straits Echo, 19 October 1918, Page 8

Death of Cheah Chen Eok 


Malaya Tribune., 13 June 1922, Page 10

Sons :
Cheah Tat Toe
Cheah Tat Jin
Cheah Tat Kwan

Twenty Century Impression Of British Malaya

Mr. Cheah Chen Eok, Superintendent of the Pinang Opium and Spirit Farm, is the only son of the late Mr. Cheah Sim Hean, merchant, of Pinang. He was born in 1852, and received his education at the Pinang Free School. When he was sixteen years of age he entered the service of Messrs. Boon Tek e Co., ships' chandlers, but shortly afterwards went to the Pinang branch of the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. There he remained for eight years, receiving a sound financial training, and in 1876 he commenced business as a ships' chandler and general merchant under the style of Chen Eok e Co. After six years' successful trading he embarked upon opium and spirit farming, and was connected with practicallv every farm in Singapore and Pinang for twenty-five years. His management of these mammoth concerns was beyond all criticisms, and although in 1902 retired from active business, he consented to superintend the affairs of the present Penang farm at the urgent request of the syndicate. 

In 1872, he married the daughter of the late Foo Tye Sin, one of the best known Chinamen in Penang. He has six sons and three daughters, and hs won the high esteem of all classes of the community by his sterling qualities and his charitable and unassuming nature.

Mr. Cheah Tat Jin, who was born at Pinang in 1886. This gentleman received his education at the St. Xavier's Institution. In addition to his connection with the opium farm, he is a partner in the shipping firm of Keng Bee. He is a member of the Turf Club and of the Chinese Recreation Club. In May, 1906, he married Lim Kvvee Guan, third daughter of Mr. Lim Leng Cheak, late manufacturer and shipowner of Pinang. Mr. Cheah Tat Jin resides at " Eokham," Pinang

Cheah Chen Eok and his sons 

Cheah Tat Jin and Lim Kwee Guan, she was third daughter of Lim Leng Cheak

Lim Leng Cheak Family 

LENG CHEAK n CO. In Pinang are some of the largest rice and oil mills in Malaya, and it is worthy of note that they are nearly all owned by Chinese

One of the properties is the Chip Hong Bee Mill, owned by Messrs. Leng Cheak n Co. The late Mr. Lim Leng Cheak, founder of the firm, had a remarkable career. 

The son of one of the first Chinese to come to the settlement, he was born in Pinang, in humble circumstances, in 1850, and his start in life was made as a clerk in a mercantile office. A few years later he commenced business on his own account by opening a general store. By careful management he was able to save a little capital and went to Achin, where he entered into partnership with another Chinese merchant. The partners purchased one or two sailing-vessels, and did a large trade in carrying pepper from Achin to Pinang and there disposing of it. Later, they ran a fleet of steamships between the same ports, and, when his partner retired from the business in 1879, Mr. Lim Leng Cheak took over the entire concern himself. At the invitation of the Sultan of Kedah, with whom he was on terms of cordial friendship, he opened up a new enterprise - a tapioca estate - in the Kulim district of that potentate's territory. The Sultan also granted him a twenty years' monopoly in 1888, when he established a rice mill in Alor Star, Kedah. This privilege was extended to his successors, and is enjoyed by them to this day. In addition to these operations, Mr. Lim Leng Cheak planted coffee and coconuts in Kulim, Kedah, was lessee of the Opium, Spirit, and Padi Farms, and c., started a rice mill in Pinang in 1893, and became a director of the Singapore Opium and Spirit Farm. When Mr. Lim Leng Cheak died at the age of fifty-one on February 16, I901,he left an extensive and varied business of the first importance. His family consisted of fifteen children eight sons and seven daughters and his eldest son, Mr. Lim Eow Hong, is now the managing executor of the business. 

This gentleman was born in Pinang in 1878 and was educated at the Free School and at a Chinese school. He became assistant to his father at the age of seventeen, and four years later was appointed manager. His brother, Mr. Lim Eow Thoon, manages the Pinang rice mill. Messrs. Lim Leng Cheak are the owners of the Chip Bee Rice Mill, Alor Star (Kedah), the Chip Hong Bee Rice Mill (Bridge Street, Pinang), and a large tapioca mill (Kulim, Kedah). In 1899 they started a sugar mill at Alor Star. They convey their produce in their own fleet of steamers  - the Kedah line of passenger and cargo boats - have a tapioca estate embracing 14,000 orlongs in Kulim, Kedah, and are the employers of a thousand men. They import large quantities of padi and prepare both white and boiled rice in their mills. These products they supply to estates in Kedah, Province Wellesley, and the Federated Malay States, besides exporting to Ceylon, India, and Mauritius. Sugar they sell locally, and tapioca they send to London, Havre, Nantes, and many other European ports. Messrs. John Buttery e Co. are their London agents. Mr. Lim Eow Hong is one of the leading Chinese in the settlement, a member of the committee of the Free School, a director of the Straits Echo and Criterion Press, a committee member of the Pinang Association, and a part owner of the Pinang Foundry. His eldest son is being educated at Dollar, Scotland

1. The Drawing House. 2. Lim Eow Hong 3. the Late Lim Leng Cheak
4. Pinang Residence

The Late Lim Leng Cheak's Family . His wife is Tan Tay Seang Neoh
When he died in 1901, he has 8 sons and 7 daughters

Goh Boon Keng and Lim Kwee Sean, eldest daughter of Lim Cheng Leak and their 4 children . They were married in 1894.  You can see the children in the family photo of Lim Leng Cheak. Lim Kwee Sean is sitting on the right of Madam Tan Tay Seang 

Tan Tay Seang , with her son Lim Eow Thoon and wife Goh Saw Mooi,
second daughter of Goh Ewe Keong of Pinang with their son.


Thanks to Alex Tan for sharing some of his father's collection of photos at BBHP Family day. His father is the famed historian Tan Yeok Seong. His annotation at the back of this photo: this is a rich lady from Penang. She is wearing expensive jewellery and diamonds worth $160,000

(photo colorized using a colorizing app)

Based on the info on the discussion,  I would like to concur above is that of Lim Kwee Guan Neo, third daughter of Lim Leng Cheak 


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